Urge for compensation for the death of a pregnant worker's fetus who had a Braxton Hicks contraction at work


It is reported that the death of a female worker's fetus occurred on September 30 as she did not have a chance to give birth on time. The woman is working as a seamstress.

A 7-month pregnant female sewing worker working in Myanmar Yangon Richang Apparel Co,Ltd. (NISHO) garment factory had a pre-labor contractions at 10:00 a.m. and told the production manager that she is going to give a birth. But instead of sending her to the hospital, she was told to take a rest in the lounge, and the pregnant woman cried out that she was about to give a birth as amniotic fluid starts to flow and water breaks, but there was no one to help her.

At 3:00 p.m., the fetus’ head came out, and at 4:00 p.m.,she was taken to Hlaing Thar Yar Hospital, but unfortunately, the baby didn’t survive. 

The pregnant female worker was given 2 months maternity leave by Social Security and instructed to return to work on November 21. 

"As for the factory officials, if the pregnant woman was taken to the hospital from the time she complained about the pain, the child would definitely survive. The mother could also pass away if it is more delayed. We would like to request that the family of the victim be compensated and healed for the negligence of the factory," the workers demanded.

The factory is located at Shwe Lin Ban Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar township, Yangon and it is lnown for manufacturing JAVA, CIAOPANIC TYPY, HONEY SUCKLE ROSE, grove, AZUL BY MOUSSY, RODEO CROWNS WIDE BOWL, RIGHT ON, HanGTen, CANADA DUCK DOWN, H-ESSENTIAL, Fieldcore and Nano brands with a total of (800) workers.

In the previous days too, there have been calls for overtime in the factory all light and night, and two workers who worked overtime at night and returned from work at 5 a.m. were robbed on the street in July.

"At that time, the woman was stabbed in the thigh and had to pay the robber her all the money. The employer paid 40,000 for medical expenses. There were about 5 cases of being robbed while returning home from overtime, but they kept calling for overtime," the worker said.

Due to excessive workload and overtime in the workplace there had been a lot of damage to the workers, and there is no difference although the relevant offices came and check.

The workers said they would like to ask the officials to resolve the overtime calls, lack of ferries, and workplace-related harms, as workers' rights are being seriously violated.

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