Labours at the Kittenish Knitting Garment Factory are suffering from health problems due to continuous overtime


It is reported that the workers of the Kittenish Knitting Garment Factory in Min Thiedhti Kyaw Swar Road, Industrial Zone 2, Shwe Pyi Thar Township are suffering from health problems due to continuous overtime work.

 “I had to work overtime continuously. I can’t refuse even I am tired. It is a force. They said we must have to and can’t deny. We got overtime wages fully. The others are convenient. We got a leave if I report to the social security. But if we are sick in the factory, we are not allowed to go back. If it is late until 12 o'clock at night, we can't go home anymore, we have to sleep in the factory. The labours’ appeal is to not to called the overtime that much. We're running ourselves ragged.”, said by a labour.

 The factory, which is co-owned by Burmese and Chinese investors, has more than 600 laborers and is known for manufacturing brands such as ZARA and CRIVIT Global Recycled Standard.

 “What happening right now is we have to work overtime until 22:00 and until 00:00 or midnight in sometimes. The female labours also have to work every week. Wage discrimination for overtime exists too. Some get 5,200 MMK but operators and others get 5,600 MMK. I have a service over three years but I get only 5,200 MMK. Those who have fewer experience than me get 4,000 MMK only.”, she said.

 It is said that some of the workers at the factory have submitted written requests for such overtime and informed them, but it did not make any difference and only the ones who reported resigned.

 There were 5 or 6 labours who reported for not getting daily wages equally and having to work serious amount of overtime.”, said by a labour.

 In such a period, where the commodity prices are rising so much, it would be a little convenient for a labour only if she takes overtime. So, the labours say that they are worried that they will not be able to work due to excessive OT, which will affect their health and make it difficult for them to work long-term.

 In addition, the labours said that they want to appeal for reduction of excessive overtime summons and to not discriminate in the workplace.

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