KSENG (Myanmar) garment force workers to work substitute days and the condition remains the same although inspectors came


By Editor - Apr 07, 2024

Workers from Chinese national owned KSENG (Myanmar) Apparel garment factory which locates at Thar Du Kan Industrial Zone said that the factory is forcing them to work overtime, substitute days without our consents and it is until 5:00 pm at Sundays. 

“The factory asked excessive fabric output beyond our productivity which makes to work without having a break time. The factory calls overtime until 9:00 pm which is not convenient for us due to current political situations but the factory doesn’t care our opinions,” said a worker from that factory.

“The labor office came to inspect but didn’t address the disputes and it was just like a mock inspection. Nothing was changed,” workers explained.

The factory force the workers to work overtime on March 27, Tatmadaw day too. But they were allowed to go back at around 2:00 pm as the brand representatives was coming to inspect. Moreover, the factories failed to provide transportation for the workers.

The workers said that they want to request to help by the officials from the labor office and the brands regarding their disputes.

The KSENG (Myanmar) Apparel garment factory is manufacturing Mataland , Clique , springfield , FB sister and GEM brand fabrics with around 900 workers.

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